Belsize NW3 Chiropractic


Michael H. Smith

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Tendonopathy & Neovascularisation

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Tendonopathy & NeovascularisationBelsize NW3 Chiropractic

Ultrasound and Doppler Flow investigations, in cases of chronic tendonopathy (such as the Patellar and Achilles), have shown neo-vascularisation (new vessel formation) and tendon thickening. ‘C’ pain fibres associated with these new blood vessels are thought to be main mediators for pain in chronic sufferers. Additionally, an increase in the Type III : Type I Collagen Fibre ratio is thought occur which may be a precursor to eventual calcification of the tendon.
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Injections of high volume Homeopathic/Cortisone solutions intratendonously, are designed to physically destroy the new blood vessels and arrest what appears to be an otherwise self-propogating phenomenon. At NW3 Chiropractic, we use vibration therapy to mimick in part the destruction of neovascularisation. It should be noted that we have conducted no clinical trials to support this hypothesis as yet. We have found however, that patients suffering tendonopathy respond positively to vibration therapy.

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